Tagata Sa'ilimalo
Disability Services
Tagata Sa’ilimalo Disability Services are our family of services that
support tagata sa’ilimalo (Pacific disabled peoples, their families and carers) to create their own best lives, and be connected to the services and supports they need
Disability Information Advisory Services
We empower tagata sa’ilimalo (Pacific disabled people, their families and carers) to lead independent lives and access the support they need.
Tagata Sa’ilimalō WorkReady
We support Pacific with disabilities in Canterbury to find a job, or to find a better job. We walk alongside tagata sa'ilimalo to identify employment opportunities, linking with training providers and employers, and providing wraparound support along the journey.
Community Navigators and Connectors
Connect and walk alongside tagata sa’ilimalo to ensure access to services and supports that meet their holistic needs. This includes: services that help address immediate urgent needs to reduce stressors on tagata sa’ilimalo mental health, financial capability programmes, health and social supports
Community Networks
We facilitate community networks that provide opportunities for tagata sa’ilimalo to be socially connected, share their stories and experiences, have fun and support each other to build the lives they choose and connect to services. In Auckland, we currently support Samoan, Tongan, Fijian and Youth networks, and in the other regions we are supporting a mix of Pan-Pacific and Pan-disability networks
Canterbury WorkReady Tagata Sa’ilimalo
Supports tagata sa’ilimalo in the Canterbury region to achieve sustainable employment outcomes